Results21498 packages
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Flutter plugin for reading and writing simple key-value pairs. Wraps NSUserDefaults on iOS and SharedPreferences on Android.#persistence#shared-preferences#storage
A composable, multi-platform, Future-based API for HTTP requests.
A wrapper around InheritedWidget to make them easier to use and more reusable.
Flutter plugin for selecting images from the Android and iOS image library, and taking new pictures with the camera.#camera#image-picker#files#file-selection
A powerful HTTP networking package, supports Interceptors, Aborting and canceling a request, Custom adapters, Transformers, etc. #dio#http#network#interceptor#middleware
Flutter plugin for getting commonly used locations on host platform file systems, such as the temp and app data directories.#files#path-provider#paths
Flutter Widgets that make it easy to implement the BLoC (Business Logic Component) design pattern. Built to be used with the bloc state management package.#bloc#state-management
A declarative router for Flutter based on Navigation 2 supporting deep linking, data-driven routes and more#deep-linking#go-router#navigation
The Font Awesome Icon pack available as Flutter Icons. Provides 2000 additional icons to use in your apps.
Render After Effects animations natively on Flutter. This package is a pure Dart implementation of a Lottie player.

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