Results6 packages
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A declarative router for Flutter based on Navigation 2 supporting deep linking, data-driven routes and more#deep-linking#go-router#navigation
A router that helps you to manage your project routes. Create nested routes. navigation without context between your pages.#navigation#middleware#nested-routes#deep-linking#qlevar-router
A simple yet efficient dependency injection container for Dart and Flutter (can be coupled with the kiwi_generator package).#deep-linking#dependency-injector#containers
A builder that supports generated strongly-typed route helpers for package:go_router#codegen#deep-linking#go-router#navigation
Fully declarative, state-driven routing for Flutter's Navigator 2.0. Makes routing as simple as widgets!#routing#deep-linking#navigation
The purpose of creating this routing library is to combine the functionalities of Flutter_Modular and Qlevar_Router libraries, providing a more powerful and flexible solution for route management. #navigation#router#modular-router#nested-routes#deep-linking

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