Results10202 packages
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A composable, multi-platform, Future-based API for HTTP requests.
A wrapper around InheritedWidget to make them easier to use and more reusable.
A powerful HTTP networking package, supports Interceptors, Aborting and canceling a request, Custom adapters, Transformers, etc. #dio#http#network#interceptor#middleware
Flutter plugin for getting commonly used locations on host platform file systems, such as the temp and app data directories.#files#path-provider#paths
Flutter plugin for discovering the state of the network (WiFi & mobile/cellular) connectivity on Android and iOS.
Simple direct Service Locator that allows to decouple the interface from a concrete implementation and to access the concrete implementation from everywhere in your App"
A Dart package that helps to implement value based equality without needing to explicitly override == and hashCode.
RFC4122 (v1, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8) UUID Generator and Parser for Dart #uuid#identifier#id
Flutter plugin for querying information about the application package, such as CFBundleVersion on iOS or versionCode on Android.
Flutter plugin providing detailed information about the device (make, model, etc.), and Android or iOS version the app is running on.

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