package manager

The official package repository for Dart and Flutter apps.

Supported by Google

Flutter Favorites

Some of the packages that demonstrate the highest levels of quality, selected by the Flutter Ecosystem Committee


Code generation for immutable classes that has a simple syntax/API without compromising on the features.


A Flutter package for getting better feedback. It allows the user to give interactive feedback directly in the app.


Flutter plugin for Firebase Crashlytics. It reports uncaught errors to the Firebase console.


A set of utility Widgets that Provide and Connect to a Redux Store

Most popular packages

Some of the most downloaded packages over the past 60 days


A cross platform plugin for displaying and scheduling local notifications for Flutter applications with the ability to customise for each platform.


A Flutter plugin that allows you to add an inline webview, to use an headless webview, and to open an in-app browser window.


Flutter Secure Storage provides API to store data in secure storage. Keychain is used in iOS, KeyStore based solution is used in Android.


Utilities for working with non-symbolic stack traces.


Provides APIs for debugging and error logging, similar to loggers in other languages, such as the Closure JS Logger and java.util.logging.Logger.


APIs for parsing and manipulating HTML content outside the browser.

Top Flutter packages

Some of the top packages that extend Flutter with new features


Flutter library to load and cache network images. Can also be used with placeholder and error widgets.


A set of useful sliver tools that are missing from the flutter framework


Flutter package that allows setting the web app URL strategy with a single line of code.


Render After Effects animations natively on Flutter. This package is a pure Dart implementation of a Lottie player.


A Flutter plugin that provides a WebView widget on Android and iOS.


A flutter plugin for save image to gallery, iOS need to add the following keys to your Info.plist file.

Top Dart packages

Some of the top packages for any Dart-based app or program


Value types with builders, Dart classes as enums, and serialization. This library is the runtime dependency.


An extension to the bloc state management library which automatically persists and restores bloc states.


A simple (but correct) dart class for validating email addresses


Algorithms and utilities that power the Material Design 3 color system, including choosing theme colors from images and creating tones of colors; all in a new color space.


A unified form representation in Dart which aims to simplify form representation and validation in a generic way.


Process run helpers for Linux/Win/Mac and which like feature for finding executables.

Package of the Week

Package of the Week is a series of quick, animated videos, each of which covers a particular package

feedback (Package of the Week)
firebase_auth (Package of the Week)
home_widget (Package of the Week)
feedback (Package of the Week)